We live in exiting times. Make use of it and don’t let a happy long life pass you by!
Scientists make giant steps in uncovering the human aging process and how to reverse it. Right as we speak, different treatments are tested in countries around the world. The genie is out of the bottle, and we can’t be put him back. As it stands now, our aging process can be reversed by more than half. But it’s not only medicine that can reverse or slow down your aging process. There are free and easy things you can do yourself at home to make your body repair damaged DNA without the use of medicines or chemicals.
Discover scientific proven methods and start slowing down your aging process today. Become healthier and stronger than ever before. Join or rapidly growing club and enrich your live together.
Note that we talk on this site ONLY about real anti-aging processes. We do not talk about cosmetic treatments like Botox or face-lifting that makes you look younger but have no real effect on your overall health.
Can we live forever?
According to Dr Aubrey de Grey, until 2021 Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation, a non-profit organization that does research programs and public relations work for the application of regenerative medicine to aging, “the first human being that will live to the age of over 1000 years is already been born”. Because of the rapid pace that science makes discoveries in anti-aging medicines, new medicines can be developed faster than we age. Within the next 8-15 years, medicines that can make you more than 20 years younger will be on the market. If you keep on taking that medicine every 10 years and new, better medicines keep on developing, in theory, nobody needs to die of old age ever again. If it goes as fast as the world most renounced expert in the field of aging says, we will see. But the trends are undeniably going in that direction.
Picture on the right:
Dr Aubrey de Grey, PhD Cambridge university, UK

Want to know more? Watch this Infographic video and learn!
Watch the infographic video clip to the right to gain more knowledge about this fascinating subject. You can also become a member and find tons of more information inside. New Members get an 20 minutes free consultation to find out what the best personal options for you are. Read the member pages and start direct with resetting your genes for an extra long live. And remember. Al content inside is free to use for members.
Enjoy the video on the left!
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What is aging and how can we reverse it?
To make it understandable for a lay person we try to explain aging as simple as possible. If you want to a scientific explanation, please go here.
The first main reason we get older is the way our DNA is programmed. Our DNA gets slowly unraveled the older we get. The unraveling process is a natural process that happens in all living beings. Our DNA is in a way a clock that slowly ticks away. The process is however not linear and with the same speed all the time. Traumatic experiences and stress make our DNA clock tick faster than normal. If you compare it with a normal clock our DNA clock can jump hours, days or even months ahead with traumatic experiences. This means you can get a lot older in a short period of time.

Food is another reason that can make our DNA clock tick faster or slower. We talk more about this in our member section, but in short. Fat and especially sucker makes our internal clock go faster. The good news is. We can use this to our advantage and “hack” our internal clock to slow down or even reverse for a short time (member read more here).
The second main reason we age is because of damage to our DNA. Your body can repair DNA damage automatically, but this process is not perfect. Luckily, there are ways we can enhance our DNA repair system.
The third main reason is the buildup of junk in our body. Our body produces many chemicals. Some of these chemicals stay in our body and build up over time.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), what does it mean?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that utilizes increased atmospheric pressure and oxygen to improve the health of the body and extend life. This innovative therapy helps to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance the body‘s ability to fight infection. HBOT is a safe and effective way to treat a variety of conditions, including cancer, traumatic brain injury, and stroke. It can also help to speed up recovery after surgery. HBOT can help people feel healthier and stronger, while helping to prevent future health problems. With the potential to extend life, HBOT is becoming increasingly popular as a tool to help people stay healthier and live longer.

Is this therapy proven?
This therapy is often used to treat certain medical conditions, such as decompression sickness, chronic wounds, carbon monoxide poisoning, and infection. By delivering higher doses of oxygen, HBOT helps to improve the body’s natural healing process, which can speed up recovery. Additionally, HBOT can help to increase the body’s ability to fight infection and reduce inflammation. Research suggests that HBOT may even be beneficial for people with cancer, as it can help to reduce the effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
How long does a session take, and how often must I use it?
HBOT is usually administered in a specialized chamber, which is usually located in a hospital or clinic. Patients are monitored closely during the therapy and given supplemental oxygen when necessary. The procedure can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, and is typically repeated several times a week for several weeks. Overall, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an effective and safe way to improve health and extend life. The therapy can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance the body’s ability to fight infection. With the potential to extend life and improve health, HBOT is an excellent option for those looking to maximize their quality of life.

Aging–reversing medicines and treatments
Extend life and make people healthier
Aging–reversing medicines and treatments can extend life and make people healthier. Researchers are exploring potential therapies that could help to slow, and even reverse, age–related decline. Potential interventions include gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and growth hormone therapy. Scientists have identified certain proteins that appear to play a role in the aging process, and they hope to use these proteins to alter the aging process. Additionally, medications that can reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and improve immunity may help to extend life and improve health. With advances in medical technology, researchers hope to unlock the key to a longer and healthier life.

Lifestyle intervention
Meanwhile, lifestyle interventions can also help to slow the aging process. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can reduce inflammation, strengthen the body, and improve physical and mental health. Additionally, stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, can help to reduce the effects of aging. Finally, avoiding risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, can help to keep the body healthy and increase life expectancy. With a combination of medical treatments and lifestyle interventions, it may be possible to slow the aging process and improve overall health. Though aging-reversing treatments are still in the research stage, they offer exciting possibilities for a longer and healthier life. Scientists are eager to uncover the secrets of aging and apply them to medical treatments. With further research and development, it may be possible to delay and even reverse the aging process and enjoy a longer, healthier life.